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For the sake of Peers

A man cannot live without society and society include our ‘friends', families and various associates. When we are in home, our parents guide and discipline. They rebuke us so that we can't go astray. But when we are off from their sight, we tend to make mistakes and errors. At such time, friends play vital role. Either they can mend or spoil you. Most probably, a teenager has a turbulent period and seeks for friends that suits him. If he doesn't find mutualism then he tries altering himself to suit his friend's policy. Wise one will stick to the disciplines and see rules as a mirror and standard of judging their mistakes. However, being confined gives you an odd image. When your friends see that you are trying to become as straight as a staff, you are humiliated and they tell always tell you— “try to be independent you dummy! there is much fun in trying new hand".
Some of us knowingly fall because we want to prefer our esteem among friends over the law. While others may either unknowingly or they are too innocent to withstand the filthy environment. We are propelled to accept friend's sayings and deeds because we are incomplete without them. In every corner and time they help us. We feel it as our due and duty that has to be returned.

But do we need to follow friends at the cost of laws and disciplines. Being ‘anti' may yield an ill-relationship. Ultimately, we show white flag and join peer circle cum gang. Whether they do nuisance or right thing, simply following them keeps all happy. Here are the things they offer you :-

Smoking and Alcoholic Beverages: A fashion
All smokers know its bad to smoke. Packet itself has warning label, many governments have made labelling mandatory. Why do then teenagers are fond of adapting such fatal steps? Smoking habit influences heavily teenagers. Young people often get too anxious and curious to try new sorts. Both boys and girls are attracted towards smoking as its fashion appealing. Most of the films and film characters involve smoking to give cool-character, masculinity and style. Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, who was voted as role model of youth, is himself a serious chain smoker. At first, one take it for the style but later it becomes addictive. Habit gets worse, and one cannot live without it. Its because mind and body get chemically dependent on nicotine and suffers from ‘withdrawal symptoms' if he doesn't smoke in routine.

    Second tempting one is alcohol.
Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler,and whoever is led astray by it is not wise. Proverbs 20:1
Nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards,
nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the
kingdom of God. I Corinthians 6:10

When you get get addicted, it becomes substitute for water. It drains your brain and makes brain out of sense. You feel more relax, open and more potential to withstand stress. But various studies and researches show that they are more in tension than nondrinkers. These two smoking and drinking are big pitfall as they are easy to access and sound good to mouth and tongue.

Bad Languages
This is the most common of all. When a child ages to youth, he soon develops bad languages. Because he only learns what his friends speak. His learning is spontaneous and initially doesn't speak to intend some meaning. As the time rolls up, it becomes mannerism and so used to it that his odd phrases converts to ‘catchphrase'. Such words are often learned and cultivated from films. It is normal in each and every genre of films. Bad words appear to be so typical that using such word doesn't even give sense of guilt. It is made as a means for comic appeal and dialogue delivery. But remember that boneless tongue is needed to be restrained where needed. Not only restrained but we should not utter any filthy tongue even if we are isolated. We can't praise God with the same dirty tongue. Book of James chapter 3 speaks fully about Tongue. “Man is able to tame and has tamed all other creatures... . But no one has ever been able to tame the tongue". Further he warn us “ ..this should not happen... No spring of water pours out sweet water and bitter water from the same opening".
A good man's words are a fountain of life, but wicked man's words hide violent nature" Proverbs 10:11.

Odd Dressing and Adornment
We like to follow the latest trend. That's one of the criterion to be within the friend circle. We like to adapt adornment  that do not give 'a crow among swans' imagery. Therefore we avoid grooming ourselves, we wear odd dresses in public meeting with a view that it meet friend's demand. But we must know the dress code.
“A person's character is judged by his style of dress."— Education, Ellen G. White p248.
It's a wrong mentality that we need to have some extraordinary look i.e. Skin piercing, odd appealing dress and untidy hair style for giving impression and attention. It only give boasting and pride. Yes, you might bring some attention but not impression. God doesn't demand such but only a modest look. So don't worry about Lady Gaga's news break.

Children–Parents Barrier
We do lose our character when we find bad peer circle. In the sense, we don't interact well with the people. We give them bad response. Basically, we have problems with our parents the most. It feel annoying when father ask your last night's whereabouts and mother questioning your progress report. We no longer value the parents disciplining and forget that it was them who brought us up since the birth. We become self dependence but in a wrong sense. Yes we have to depart from parent's dependence—
"... a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh". Genesis 2:24
But this verse didn't mean to disobey our parents and just mingle with friends.
"Honour your father and thy mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you"—Exodus 20:12.

Secular Life
“Remember now thy Creator in thy days of thy youth."
'Divine' is antonym to 'Secular'. We can't be as divine as God but can live a devotional life. To live a God-centered life especially in modern times, sounds mockery to our profile and will compromise with our heroic look. What will my friends say! Living such life is to withdraw from happiness and joy. This is what most youths think. But does God demand a life of monk? complete abstinence from marriage, worldly news and things, sports, family and friends. No, He is not a hard demanding God. All He want is a clean and modest life. Ten commandments give us law for our benefits and safety, but not that God want serving. 'Power of choice' give us the right to decide independently unlike a robot. If any spiritual leader teaches you to void all God's natural beauty, then it's a wrong doctrine. We were created by God and nature was created for us. In return God want us to thank Him, love Him and love others as He loved us. You need not feel shy praising God in friend's presence because God's blessing is accountable every moment: you are alive, you are reading and you are comprehending just because of Him.


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