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New Age Idolatry

We all know that in the Book of Exodus 20, gives us the law of Man-to-God commandments. It is written by Christ Himself with prominent and strict sense. It was given for man, not man for commandments because “Happy is he who keeps the law" proverbs 29:1

What does the Exodus Say?

First and second law focuses and covers primarily Idolatry in literal sense. But it doesn't just limit to literal sense. The very first law, “Thou shall have no other gods before me" forbids us worshiping other deities in any form. We do not have to visit or please or more correct worship other power-source. He doesn't have avatars which distribute His powers and grace. He is the sole Almighty God. Remember that God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. This also means that there is no compromising of other gods worship. For say one can't put position of Marry the mother of Jesus as a substitute or side-along Goddess. What about spiritual leader? Not even them! They all are just mortal being. Any historical connection with Christ doesn't make one a God like. You need not visit Pope at Rome for apologizing your sins or you need not spend money on visiting some silly holy sites.
Now coming to second law, “Thou shalt not make any graven image.... not bow down.... Lord thy God is a jealous God..." literally God does not want us to do idol worship. It makes Him no way happy. Such worships involve series of stepwise rituals and practices as an action depicting giving credit or greatness to gods. God doesn't demand such meaningless worship. There are some idiotic reasoning of image worship like— idols give us god's presence or concentration. Well, its true but neither of it is an essence of true worship. Are we too feeble in faith that we need some sorts of simulation to worship? Does God want some hard concentration or meditation to thank and praise Him? God give us the gift of prayer not some tasks of ringing bells, burning some incense stick, sprinkling holy water, etc. This will do no good to anyone. Remember personal prayer doesn't require training, its just like communicating to your friend freely.

Idolatry in New Generation

Law was written with a view to address Israelites but in current era, commandments just doesn't confine to the literal sense. Satan has many pleasing temptation that we do not even perceive it as our mistake. And these are equivalent to image worship.

• Social Networking Sites:
Social sites have tremendous affect on people especially of youth section. Its not bad to use internet for social communication but giving it priority above your basic need is surely a synonym for drug addiction. In fact, its much worse than that. Users or members are induced to feel that they are born in two world — Fictional social networking sites and other being your own life, where former is spent half of the day. One goes on chatting spontaneously and have no serious intentions. This becomes a mannerism. One always like to check its inbox time to time and tries to maintain cool virtual profile appearance by giving some itchy status updates. Users get hooked and loiter till he/she meet big loss or realize the adverse result.

Wealth has many subcategories— money, clothing, appliances, transportation means and many more luxuries. But God doesn't want was to be poor and there is no wrong in accumulating wealth. In fact, He wants us to be rich. Biblical character Job had "... seven sons and three daughters, and owned seven thousand sheep,... and was richest man in the East" Job 1:1. But there are some conditions. Job earned his wealth with full honest. "The Lord hates people who use dishonest scales" Proverbs 11:1. Can honest be happy? Yes, Bible promises us see proverbs 11:25 . A recent dishonest wealth accumulation case was of an Indian political leader J. Jaylalita. She was a chief minister of Tamil Nadu. She was found guilty of possessing more money than her income on 27 September. Approximately 63 crore Rs. was raided, beside that more surprising raid report was that she possessed 896 kilos of silver, 28 kilos of gold, 10 thousands Sarees, 750 shoes, 51 watches along with many accessories. This is an absolute case of wealth lust and dishonesty. You can be rich but its sin to overlook a fellow neighbour's poverty

• Celebrity Lover:
No matter whether it is big screen or sports celebrity, people can even go over weird limits to have a glance or to call themselves biggest fan. It may sound not typical, but there are many in numbers who worship their celebrity as incarnation of god. I heard a incident when a cricket fan slammed his TV just because India ended runner-up in world cup. Sachin Tendulkar is often tagged with the holy name ‘God'. Its not a common word to be treated leisurely. Sport Fans often show their expression by getting tattooed their favourite player's name e.g. Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi etc. There are many incidents where extreme controversies arises just because of their affinity towards sports and star. Filmy stars are the biggest celebrity. Their heroic image even engulf real life. Hardly anyone will sacrifice a single rupee to the poor, but will waste three figure note on films. Halls are fully booked and even fight arises at the booking que. In return you will only get three hours of temporary entertainment.

In brief, I am not saying you must quit watching films and matches, stop earning money, stop using internet, rather you should not keep any of these above God. Do not ever ponder heavily over materialism. Keep a time for thanking God that he has kept you alive, for the world is temporary but kingdom of God is eternal.


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